I was born into an atmosphere of terror and rage. We were the ‘dysfunctional family’ on the street and although our wonderful mum did her best, my siblings and I met with more than our fair share of poverty, abuse, violence and fear. But from as early on as I can remember I felt a strong sense of knowing that no o­ne was to blame. I couldn’t condone the behaviour going on around me, it’s true they were responsible for the choices they made, but I could clearly see that they weren’t waking up everyday hoping to make our lives sad. I could somehow see that they were caught in a continuation of human pain that stretched way back through generations. And although I was living this drama of my life, I knew it wasn’t anything to do with who I really was. I somehow sensed my essential nature was far more wonderful than that.

Author Of : Shine
Genre : Fiction

I was born into an atmosphere of terror and rage. We were the ‘dysfunctional family’ on the street and although our wonderful mum did her best, my siblings and I met with more than our fair share of poverty, abuse, violence and fear. But from as early on as I can remember I felt a strong sense of knowing that no o­ne was to blame. I couldn’t condone the behaviour going on around me, it’s true they were responsible for the choices they made, but I could clearly see that they weren’t waking up everyday hoping to make our lives sad. I could somehow see that they were caught in a continuation of human pain that stretched way back through generations. And although I was living this drama of my life, I knew it wasn’t anything to do with who I really was. I somehow sensed my essential nature was far more wonderful than that.

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