Author Interview: R.K. Gold

Author interview

Author R.K. Gold took time out of his busy schedule to interview with Literative. Most recently, he’s released his thriller novel, Brinwooda story with heavily religious undertones.

Gold’s literary journey began after he survived a horrific car accident, and realized life can end at any moment. That it is simply much too unpredictable to not be passionate about what you do.

Let’s take a look at what he had to say.


After a car accident, you started your journey as a writer. What led you to the conclusion that writing was your passion?
Writing had just always been there for me. When I was little, I used to always love writing stories. My grandparents used to pick me up from middle school, and as soon as I finished my homework, I would run up to their office, hop on their computer, and type away whatever came to my mind. After the accident, I just remembered what always made me happy and focused on that.

Weasel Press, an indie publishing house based in Texas gave you a book deal. Was it difficult to land a book deal, let alone the two you signed starting out?
Surprisingly, no. I found them on the database and hit it off with their editor. They loved Just Under the Sky and wanted to publish it, so I decided to run with it. I was very happy with the results.

While writing your first traditionally published book, you maintained a part-time job at a Barnes & Noble. Would you say every aspiring, or fairly unestablished writer needs to keep a day job?
Oh, absolutely. You need an income and you need real world experience. I also think it’s important for writers to study things outside of reading and writing. You are allowed to have more than one passion and you should follow every single one.


Weasel Press loves publishing work based on the human condition, touching on topics like mental illness. Would you say your work is in-keeping with this?
I would say Just Under the Sky fits into their catalogue better than Brinwood. Just Under the Sky dealt with positions like our place in the universe and our environment.

Your novel, Brinwood, incorporates some religious elements. Could you tell us more about it, like the plot and where you got your inspiration?
I’m really not sure where I got the inspiration from. I just wanted to write an entertaining book, and I knew something short with a lot of action would accomplish that.


Are you currently working on anything new?
I am currently editing a piece I wrote last March, and writing two new manuscripts. My issue has never been writing a rough draft, but editing the ones I already have. My computer is loaded with 1st drafts (11 in need of edits) and every day I find it infinitely more fun to add more manuscripts than editing the ones I already have.

How many books have you written thus far? Are you happy with your progress?
I’m never fully satisfied with what I have done. Now that I am in school, my writing output has lessened, but the two new books I am working on have definitely reinvigorated a new sense of enthusiasm for finding time to work instead of sleep.

Parting Words

What advice would you give to aspiring writers that are wary about taking the giant leap of faith?
Read everything you can get your hands on and be patient.

Where can readers purchase your books?
The usual places for indies like Amazon, Barnes & Noble, Kobo, Smashwords, and iBooks. Most people get my books from Amazon though.

Any social media links you’d like readers to follow?

In Closing

We’d like to take a moment to thank R.K. Gold for the interview. His schedule is busy these days, but he still took the time to answer questions, and inspire readers all over the world. Someone who could have lost his life ended up living it to its fullest by doing something he loves. If that’s not a story everyone can learn from, we don’t know what is.

Get R.K. Gold’s series on Amazon now!

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